Figuring on things…

Posted: May 21, 2010 in FTM
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Ok so yesterday I had an interview. I don’t know how it went. But I broke a wall for me. I bold face told the guy that was interviewing me my name was Seth and I’m transgender. He looked at me funny but it really didn’t seem like a big deal. I’m ready to get my name change. I’m currently waiting on everything to settle from inheriting things from my father. Then I can finalize on that. The birth name is getting old. It was old before I figured out I was trans. Seriously.

On another note, I was watching videos of Tyler on youtube and found an old one of his. This one. But it was something that had crossed my mind. Sexuality. I have always known I liked girls. When I first figured this out, it was such a great thing. It felt right. It felt natural. Personally once I found this, I never went back. But it has always been something I have thought of. I got as far as I could with one guy and never attempted anything else. Now, I think about what it would be like to be with one. This video finally answered the question.

It’s more of I’m jealous of what you have. I want that flat chest. I want that body. I know that when I have sex, I fanatize about what I don’t have to make me feel complete. Tyler explained it well when he said that he wants to know what it’s like, but how can you know if you’ve never done it?

I loved this thought process. Great free therapy. All on youtube.

  1. Fat Girl Eats says:

    Hey… That link just took me to his profile (on the iPhone at least). Which video? I want to watch!

  2. jas says:

    Hey Seth. Good to see you went for an interview.

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