Week 4 on T video!

Posted: October 8, 2010 in FTM
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  1. herby says:

    I am loving your video blog. Thank you for sharing.

    Your voice: Sounds deeper to me. I can tell it’s probably going to get deeper but it sounds to me like it’s in the male range for a young bloke.

    Face structure: definitely more masculine. And I’m not just saying that.

    Strength: Your persona looks stronger too – I can’t comment on your muscular strength but you sound more confident man!

    Binding: Brings back incredibly painful memories. A tip: Do NOT use tape! It is excruciating to pull off and you can’t breath. Can you buy commercial binders now? That’s a huge improvement – I had to make do with back braces, bandages and sports tape (again – do NOT use sports tape!)

    You are a brave man for documenting your journey like this. Thank you (from an old bloke 😉 )

  2. Meg says:

    Hiiii! You look so manly! I’m proud of you. 🙂

    6-8 bottles of water is like just enough for me to stay hydrated. So… you probably need still more. Sorry. 😦

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