Posts Tagged ‘MTF’

Transmen: A documentary

Posted: April 5, 2011 in FTM
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This documentary followed three of my friends here in Nashville. I got to watch the release of it a couple of weeks ago. The link for to watch it will be here.

I put this up cause I make like a three second cameo where these guys were at the support meetings we have. Other than that, Tiffany Gibson really shows what I feel a very realistic view point of what it is like to be a transman. I watched Lisa Ling’s Our America: Transgender Lives. I did not feel it represented the story of being a transman as well. I overall loved the show. Any step in showing that we are humans and not freaks helps in my eyes. There were people in our community that I would consider the extreme cases though. One MTF was only 7. While I applaud the parents for letting the child be herself, not many of us take that path. There was one FTM was another extreme. He had only been on T for 3 months and he looked like he had been on them for years. My problem with that is very few people get those kind of results so quickly for T. I mean, I don’t work out and yes there was definitely a change in muscle tissue. I just think it gives a false sense of hope that changes will occur so fast. This is a yearly process. Not monthly by any stretch of the imagine.

I have to applaud my school’s newspaper “Sidelines” for putting a full page feature story about the documentary and the guys that were in it. Click Here for the story.

School is coming down to the wire. So if I disappear for a month, I’m trying to graduate. Seven months will be this Saturday 4/9!

“counselor” visit and T-Men

Posted: September 13, 2009 in FTM
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So Friday I went to MTSU’s counseling center. That was such a joke. That’s why counselor is in quotation marks. I walk in and they give me the whole we are not here for long term. Whatever. I knew personally they would not be able to help me, but maybe they would be able to give me some names and resources of student care. See I have insurance, just not mental health insurance. This lady basically had nothing. NOTHING. I had done more research by myself. It really kinda pissed me off. Not only did she not have a clue about being trans, she had no idea for any gay resources. WTF. Once I get this all figured out, I’m going back to see if there is anyway I can leave the info there. I don’t want another person to go to somewhere were you would think information should be. One of the reasons I started this blog. No one else should have to be so lost.

Last night I went to Nashville’s T-Men. This was such an awesome group. I met eight guys like me. I knew a lot about what they were talking about already cause I’m a YouTube junkie. (YouTube is a great source for info for FTM) It really helped with the feeling of just being alone. That I’m not the only one out there. One guy so reminded me of a flaming drum major from back home. I didn’t know there was two of them. Anyways, I will be continuing with this group. The female version of this group is T-Vals. I will put their info in the important links. They are an amazing group of ladies. One of them game me a name of a real therapist to go see. So I will be calling her on Monday.

So I’m in the stage of finding a therapist. I don’t feel that I need one. I don’t feel that I’m in question about my life. Never in my life has something made so much since. I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders. Not to mention I can’t afford months of therapy. Wish me luck.

A question? Would I date an MTF?

Posted: August 27, 2009 in FTM
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So I watch the videos off of YouTube and one guy answered this question. Ashton tells his answer. It got me to thinking. Would I do the same.

I did the instant answer of no. But then I thought harder. If I’m asked this question right now, the answer is still no. More to do with I don’t want to date anyone right now. But if I were in a different state of mind, I just might. I’ve seen some really great looking MTF. And no it’s not just about looks, but everyone knows you need to be attracted. Ok I’m digressing. I would date an Male to Female if I got to know them and such. I don’t want to be judged by what is shown on the outside only. So why would I do the same to a person that has similar dysphoria problems.

It makes you think about all the labels anyways. Funny this summer I have figured out more about my sexuality. Granted I knew already but have been able to come to terms with it. After talking to a couple of friends I realized I could be a very bisexual guy. I have liked guys but not in the sense of being a female. Have I lost you yet? I’m a bisexual transguy.

So I would date a male to female. But not right now.